淫娃娃 淫娃娃 一個淫娃娃 也有那眉毛也有那眼睛 眼睛不會眨 淫娃娃 淫娃娃 也有那鼻子也有那嘴巴 嘴巴不說話 他是個淫娃娃 不是個真娃娃 他沒有媽媽也沒有爸爸 淫娃娃 淫娃娃 我做他杉媽我做他杉爸 永遠愛著他
Greetings | "How the fuck are you?" |
Fraud | "I was fucked by the McDonalds Drive Through." |
Dismay | "Oh, fuck it." |
Trouble | "Well, I guess I'm fucked again." |
Aggression | "Fuck you!!!" |
Disgust | "Fuck me!!!" |
Confusion, Curiosity or Disbelief | "What the fuck....?" |
Difficulty | "I don't understand this fucking thing." |
Despair | "Fucked again." |
Good Job | "Congratufuckinglations." |
Desperation | "Fuckityfuckfuckfuck." |
Incompetence | "He fucks up everything." |
Disappointment | "This fucking fucker is fucked." |
Intelligence | "He's a fucking genius." |
Dismissal | "Why don't you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself?" |
Displeasure | "What the fuck is going on?" |
Lost | "Where the fuck are we?" |
Disbelief | "Unbefuckinglievable!!!" |
Retaliation | "Up your fucking ass!!!" |
Laziness | "He's just a fuck-off." |
Pain | "Fuck ! that hurt." |
Pleasure | "Oooooooh Fuuuuuuck" |
Love | "Do ya Fuck on first dates?" |
Starting a relationship | "Let's fuck now!" |
Surprise | "Fucking hell what was that?" |
Admiration | "Nice fucking tits!" |
Stupid person | "Dumbfuck!" |
Hate | "You Fuck!" |
Condemnation | "Fuck that shit!" |
Disappointment | "That's not fucking fair." |
A poker hand | "A Royal Fuck." |
Ignorant person | "Fuckstick." |
Denial | "I didn't fucking do it." |
Perplexity | "I know fuck all about it." |
Apathy | "Who gives a fuck" or "I don't give a fuck". |
Confusion | "What the fuck just happened?" |
Resignation | "Oh fuck it." |
Suspicion | "Who the fuck are you?" |
Panic | "Let's get the fuck out of here!" |
Directions | "Fuck off." |
Sex | "Let's fuck." |
Maternal | "Motherfucker." |
Incestuous | "Motherfucker." |
Ambiguity | "I'm not so fucking sure." |
Agreement | "Absofuckinglutely." |
Questioning Authority | "Who the fuck do you think you are?" |
Hypocrisy | "Don't you dare fucking swear at me you fucking fucker." |
Praising the Lord | "Jesus Fucking Christ." |
I have a headache | "Go fuck yourself." |
Refusal | "Oh you can fuck right off." |
Pissed off | "Fuck the fucking fuckers!" |
Be quiet | "Shut the fuck up." |
You're right | "Fucking oath." (Australianism) |
Ostentation | "He's just bought a big, fuck-off Mercedes." |
Sensuousness | "She was wearing a pair of red leather, fuck-me boots." |
Confidence | "Fuckin' A." |
Rage | "Motherfucking fuckers!" |
Impressed | "That was fucking amazing." |
Oral sex after 30 years of marriage | "Fuck you!" (while passing each other in the hall) |
Bewilderment or Ignorance | "Fucked if I know." |
Enraged | "I'm gonna fuck you up!" |
Annoyance | "Fuck off, fucker." |
Annoyance | "For fuck's sake." |
Pissed off | "Fuck you, you fucking fuck." |
Tardiness | "It's ten-fucking-thirty already?" |
Broken down motorcycle | "Sir, the fucking fucker has fucked up on me. |
Professional appraisal of mechanical failure | "It's fucked." |
Calling someone | "Oy, fuck face!" |
Minors | "Fucklings." |
Morons | "Fucktards." |
Completely naked | Butthefucknaked |
Thanks | "Fuck you very much." |